Located at the OK Corral Gun Club, The SJS Dad’s Club Sporting Clay Shotgun event begins at 9am on Saturday, February 1, 2020. Breakfast will be served prior at 8:00 am. Ticket to the event includes breakfast, lunch, gun, carts and ammo. *Early sign-up discounted tickets only $175 till Jan. 1, 2020.
Screen on the Green
Info Coming Soon
6th Annual Poker Tournament
The Annual Dad’s Club Poker Tournament is back and being held at the Cuban American Club on Friday the 12th of January. Registration begins at 6pm and the tournament will start at 7pm sharp. So please don’t be late.
Family Bowl Night
Bowling night is from 1-3pm on Saturday, August 17th at Greenacres Bowl. It will be $20 per person at the door, or you can prepay online for just $15 per person. The ticket includes pizza, soft drinks, shoe rental, and bowling. There will be 5 bowlers per lane.